Saturday, January 23, 2010

Facts I've never heard of before!

I read some interesting weird facts on a website so I thought I might as well share them with you guys :) so enjoy:

1-Your body is creating and killing 15 million red blood cells per second!
2- The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows. It was the fashion in Renaissance Florence to shave them off 
3-The most popular first name in the world is Muhammad
4-Tourists visiting Iceland should know that tipping at a restaurant is considered an insult!
5-When glass breaks, the cracks move faster than 3,000 miles per hour. To photograph the event, a camera must shoot at a millionth of a second!
6-A lightning bolt generates temperatures five times hotter than those found at the sun's surface! (This fact made me scared!!)
7-It takes glass one million years to decompose, which means it never wears out and can be recycled an infinite amount of times!
8- Most lipstick contains fish scales! (I am never going to use lipstick again!! Hahaha)
9-Over 2500 left handed people a year are killed from using products made for right handed people! (Well Einstein was left-handed and that wasn't the reason of his death!! :P)
10-The longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds! 
11-A cockroach can live several weeks with its head cut off - it dies from starvation!
12-Over 10,000 birds a year die from smashing into windows! (Oh my God this is terribly sad!!!)
13-The electric chair was invented by a dentist!
14-Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand!
15-The Earth weighs around 6,600,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons (5,940 billion billion metric tons)! (Sob7an Allah...)
16-Thomas Edison, light bulb inventor, was afraid of the dark! (Now we know why he invented the light bulb!!)
17-Owls are one of the only birds who can see the color blue!
18-One quarter of the bones in your body are in your feet!
19-A man named Charles Osborne had the hiccups for 69 years!(I would suicide if I were him!!)
20-Some ribbon worms will eat themselves if they cant find any food!
I hope that you liked them and if you'd like to read more facts check out this website, it is where I got these facts from:

Thanks xD !


  1. Young lady, you just proved me wrong! a couple of weeks ago I thought that blogging is too much for people under 18-16 years old! But here u prove me totally wrong!

    Anyways, it happens that I know some of the points in this article, but I find my self obliged to tell u that many of the well known facts are just lies! So make sure that the source u are learning from is reliable! Wiki is one of the sites that u can not really depend on, the internet in general is not! Magazines, except for scientific ones, are unreliable as well!

    am glad about this, a young lady is blogging! U will have a bright future ensh2 Allah! Welcome!

  2. Thank you for your comment and for your guidance =)

  3. Well, number 17 would explain why my canary sings even on cloudy days!
